Monday, April 5, 2010

Difference between portable oxygen concnetrators

What determines whether a portable oxygen concentrator is right for you or a home oxygen concentrator is right for you? Well first of all you should consider how much oxygen you need and when you need it. For instance, if you need oxygen at night while you sleep, a portable oxygen concentrator would not be right for you, this is because most portable concentrators respond to the patients breathing patterns, and are mostly only pulse flow. This means that its not continuous flow, when the patient breathes in the machine recognizes that and discharges the oxygen. If you are one who likes to go out and about despite the need for oxygen, a portable oxygen concentrator is the way to go, they are light weight, easy to tote, and come with batteries for the patients convenience. So when you are deciding which type of machine you need, do all your research and choose carefully. Read up on your oxygen machines

Friday, April 2, 2010

SeQual Eclipse 3

The Bentley of oxygen machines, the SeQual Eclipse 3 portable oxygen concentrator, has everything you look for in an oxygen machine. It has new AutoSat technology, a display that gives easy and accurate readings. It also comes with 3 different rise time options; slow, medium and fast. This allows the patient to choose how fast their pulse dose is released. This oxygen concentrator comes with a universal cart that allows easy access to the battery, allowing the patient to easily change batteries and tote their machine wherever they want to go. This FAA approved machine will allow you to go wherever you please, it only weighs 18 pounds, and pulling that on a cart is no problem. You can even bring this machine on road trips, it comes with a car charger and everything. This machine has every bell and whistle an oxygen concentrator needs.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Inogen One G2

From the pioneers of portable oxygen concentrators, Inogen, comes the Inogen One G2. The new and improved Inogen One G2, is half the size of the original Inogen One, and can be carried in a briefcase or handbag. When you're on the go it's as easy as putting a battery into your oxygen unit and heading out the door. The Inogen One G2 comes with two different batteries, a 12 cell battery which will give you up to 4 hours of battery life, and a 24 cell battery which will give you up to 8 hours of battery life. If you were to bring both, that would be 12 hours of freedom!!!

Traveling has always been a hassle with the lugging of oxygen tanks and getting on the planes, but not anymore. The Inogen One G2 is FAA approved for commercial airline travel. You can literally bring this oxygen machine anywhere, it fits in the palm of your hand!!!!! If you don't want to carry this machine all over the place, it comes with a travel cart with a telescopic handle for easy transportation. You will never be trapped or without oxygen again.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Traveling With Oxygen Concentrators

Do you want to be able to travel without people staring at a big green tank over your shoulder or lugging behind you? Do you want to be able to "hide" your oxygen concentrator when you aren't actually using the oxygen? Well maybe its time to invest in a portable oxygen concentrator. They are small and usually come with a carrying case. And on top of that, most of the new concentrators are FAA approved and can be brought on any airline. Although, it is recommended that you inform the airline so you can plan accordingly. The portable oxygen concentrators have been a revolutionary advance. Some of these oxygen machines can be recharged in the car through the lighter, so that means no more restrictions on flying or driving!!! Happy traveling!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Respironics EverGo

Are you worried about being stuck inside all day if you're a patient using or in need of an oxygen concentrator? Well you shouldn't be. The Respironics Evergo portable oxygen concentrator may be a life changing investment. The Evergo has everything you need to get out of the house and do the things you need to do. This innovative oxygen concentrator comes with two lithium ion batteries with an average lifetime of 8 hours per charge (total, not 8 hours per battery). With the weight of the machine being a concern, there is no need to worry with the Respironics Evergo, seeing as how it only weighs a mere 9.9 pounds in the case with both batteries. This machine does NOT sacrifice performance for better battery life or for being light weight. The Respironics Evergo oxygen concentrators will produce a maximum of 1050ml/min. The Evergo is not big or bulky either, it has been compared to a small carry on bag or a camera bag. Some people even compare it to a toaster. After looking around I have found these items both used and new. I have found the used concentrators as low as $2,000 and the new ones as low as $3,000.